08.21.05 - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre - Irvine, CA
08.26.05 - Coors Amphitheatre - Chula Vista, CA
Hmmmmm, tasty.
Because Yam's are funny.
08.21.05 - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre - Irvine, CA
Tendonitis be damned, I'm seeing Delirious tonight. Did you know that the sun in Edmonton has already lit the sky around 5:00-5:30am?? Well, now I do. Makes me wonder why daylight savings isn't a BIGGER change. It was a nice morning anyway. And tonight will rock!
Dave - Delirious! says:
Dragonlady is a bully. Pure bully. There are other colorful words that I could use, but bully describes it best. She's stuck in the schoolyard. Called the Minolta guy a "big goofy man". And promptly described him as the bane of her existance.
Shadows are a funny thing
An image yet not quite there
Yet in their strange flickering
is the soul of their bearer
An incredible thing when you start out on what you know to be an incredible journey: things fall apart. My spirit longs to be on an open road, with very little assets save music, and nothing else in my life. Responsibilities 1000's of kms away.
You came to take us,
All things go, all things go.
To recreate us
All things grow, all things grow.
We have our mindset
All things no, all things no.
You had to find it
All things go, all things go.
- Sufjan Stevens "Chicago"
If only I had not wanted a muffin this morning. It was a really expensive muffin, and I never actually paid for it.
The American fear engine is running full force these days. The newest enemy: north korea. Soon Iraq will be another Afganistan (although they may not like the comparison). And its not that north korea isn't a bunch of crack-pots, but the American media is full-out grooming the public into being scared shitless of them. Even some Canadians hop on the American fear wagon, and it kind of makes me sad.
What is a road trip without blood and car troubles?
It's been awhile since I've posted. A slew of new music has been released and/or entered my life since then. I will list that music here.