The Yam

Because Yam's are funny.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I agree with most of this. But like everything, you should question authority, written or otherwise:

Creative music is music of the future reaching back into the present.

Music comes from different worlds:

Automatic music reinforces existing patterns;
Creative music makes changes in the world.

Music is a language of being.

Silence is the field of creative musical intelligence which dwells in the space between the notes, and holds them in place.

My assumption is that our poets tell us the truth, our painters paint what they see is true, our singers tell it to us "like it is". Yet our relationship with the arts is mediated by an insidious commerce. What would be the effect on our culture if we knew that Shakespeare lied to us for money? Lennon? Hendrix? Springsteen? Cobain?

Sometimes God Hides, that we may:
See clearly how little is possible without help;
Learn how much is possible from ourself;
Learn humility;
Practise patience;
Practise perseverance;
Learn to co-operate with God.
By practising to work from our own initiative we become better able to co-operate with God;
Realise the necessity of enacting God;
That is, a creature may develop spiritual muscles.


So just when I thought it would all settle down, the world would go back to normal, and I could sit back and smile, I get hit with a new pile of changes. I know I rarely elaborate on my life story in this blog, but I think you can learn more from my theories than from my stories. Well, yeah that's probably not true, but I just don't trust the adoring public ;).

Anyways, for some reason God has heaped a hell of a lot of favor on me lately, and I don't really understand it. (that sentence is kind of oxy-moronic). It's not favor in terms of "Yeah, John gave me a hundred grand", it's more favor in terms of "here's something I will trust you with". And I'm not sure why He waited until November of 2004 to make all this shit happen, but geez, it's like the freaking floods we had here a few months ago.

So now I have double (at least) the responsibilities I had a WEEK ago. Like, wtf?

Oh, and I don't have a problem swearing. I think most swearing (as long as it is not cursing someone or God) is not a big deal at all. It's just language. Very potent language in our culture. It communicates a point. And everyone understands exactly what you mean. Hehe.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Brick Walls

Large, cement, and rock hard. The brick wall has been in existance for centuries. People have been putting yet Another Brick In The Wall for centuries. And when you hit a brick wall, it really really hurts, and it stops you pretty much dead in your tracks.

I'm kinda sick of those bricks. Damn bricks. Stupid bricks.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

There is a fascinating thing that happens when you start to write your life down. Since we tend to be limited in seeing overall scope (this has long been the human races greatest weakness), keeping a blog or journal of occurances in ones life paints a picture we can later look at and analyze. And upon this analysis, you being to see the wonder that is your life, and you begin to see how there is an overall conspiracy for your life. And of this I am convinced.

God is conspiring to take me places, meet people and do things I never could have imagined. It's an honest to God conspiracy. I rarely see it, occasionally try to listen to His instructions, and generally just sit back and watch myself fall for it hook, line and sinker.

And in the past month so many crazy connections have occured it's a little alarming. I must be getting old.

Monday, November 15, 2004

I agree.

Tweedy (Wilco): If they succeed, it will damage the culture and industry they say they're trying to save.

What if there was a movement to shut down libraries because book publishers and authors were up in arms over the idea that people are reading books for free? It would send a message that books are only for the elite who can afford them.

Stop trying to treat music like it's a tennis shoe, something to be branded. If the music industry wants to save money, they should take a look at some of their six-figure executive expense accounts. All those lawsuits can't be cheap, either.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Visual Blahsic

Ever had that stuff that looks like packing foam at an asian inspired restaurant? I'm not sure what it's called, and really not even entirely sure if you're actually supposed to eat it, but it tastes extremely bland and boring. That is the joy of Microsoft Visual Basic. A bland, boring software package that has the intelligence of packing foam. Granted it helps me get stuff done much quicker than I could in a plethora of other languages, but boredom and lack of motivation abounds. That's why I'm writing in here.

I've notice I've started using big words in conversation. This is either because I am improving my vocabulary, or just talking more. It is generally a good thing, but it depends alot on the people you are hanging out with. You can make or break an impression if you start using phat words in front of people. Sometimes you're just better off with ghetto-speak. It makes people more comfortable.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Winter is baalmy.

Canadian winters are ironic little buggers. You finish off a decent summer with a couple of 30 degree Celcius days, and then go into the deep freeze. -5 feels like death. By the time Feburary rolls around -5 feels like the middle of the summer, and you don't need anything other than a sweater outside. By the end of the winter you regularily go outside in -10 with nothing but a t-shirt, because it just isn't that cold.

Frickin weird.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Don't delete the CEO's s**t

If the CEO ever asks you to reinstall the software on his blackberry, make sure you try to back it up first. If it has some error of death on the screen and the software on the PC doesnt appear to be able to back up, make sure you make the CEO aware that he's gonna lose his sh*t. If you don't tell the CEO, he's not gonna be overly pleased with your progress. He will inform you that he is ratf**ked and cut off from the world because he can't find contact info without contacting someone else (who's phone number he doesn't have either).

That said, he's a really cool guy, and he's gonna take this company to another level.

I don't do....anything.

One of those days and/or weeks where you are busy all day, but you never have accomplished anything come the end of the day and/or week. That's what I've had.

Ray is a movie that should be good, and I'm seeing it tonight with some good friends. I find it funny that I know *so* many more people that I did saaayy... a year ago. There are people that I know now that I wouldn't have dreamed of talking to last year. And I've accomplished things that I always thought required more "celebrity-power" that I was capable of. So I'm endeavoring to accomplish something that would make me laugh if I can do it. And I will tell you if I manage it. Although considering that according to my tracking service, I'm the only who reads this page, I'm not really being held accountable to anyone (save, perhaps, a webserver or two).

Acoustic set this weekend. I think I'll be solo. Not overly looking forward to it. Solo is rarely fun. It's mostly embarassing for a no-talent assclown like me. I'm confident as usual, but not excited.

Blaah blah blah.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Exit Music

Radiohead has largely shaped post-modern rock. And the Scala choir took an epic Radiohead song (Exit Music (for a film)) and tranformed it into a very passionate and emotional piece. I looked them up further, and found they have done it with several different "pop" songs. Listen to them. I promise they are good.

Americans are stupid.

So I finally had a few people over to my little home last night. Let me say in advance, it was way too freaking small. And for that I am a little regretful. It seems that my house is good for hosting smaller groups (<=6). Anything above that is just a little bit chaotic.

Allow me to say that the person that invented these things should be given the congressional medal of honor. Even if he/she isn't an American. It's just such a great idea. A big candle-log that burns! YES!

As for the American election, thank the good Lord that it will stop invading all of popular media, including television, radio, print, web, billboard, your car's bumper, your mom's kitchen, and the side of the milk jug. Also, thanks be to the Lord that if Kerry wins, Micheal Moore may (please God) very well fall out of the spotlight, which I happen to think is a very good thing, as he uses disinformation in much the same way as the Bush administration has, and will continue to if re-elected.