The Yam

Because Yam's are funny.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


I was curious whether I'd show up a democrat or a republican in an online test (I'm Canadian). Apparently, I'm more centrist, but if I would have voted in the states and stuck to the two party system, I would have voted for Kerry. (Link to test below)

You are a

Social Moderate
(55% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(36% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test

Monday, September 12, 2005

Telemarket the Telemarketer

Easy Message (MSNc)

Annoyed that MSN 7 uses 18MB of memory? Annoyed that you need to run three clients just to connect to three chat networks? I found this tiny messenger client. Uses 500kb - 2000kb of memory, might be missing a couple of the bloaty features of MSN 7, but heck this thing works.

The Next Big Thing

I'm hoping that the next Big Thing will be prevasive wireless internet. Large carriers charging your standard $40 a month to access their networks. Just like a cell phones have taken off over the last ten years. Of course, it would also be great if a neato open source P2P system where everybody put on their tie-dye shirts and opened their wi-fi boxes to everyone... what am I talking about, this is America (or Canada, can't be sure...).

I think the killer app that would drive that would be VoIP cell phones. Of course, who owns all the comm towers that are sprinkled across the continent? Cell carriers. Who stand to lose the most to a pervasive wifi system that can use VoIP cell phones? Cell carriers. Who like to charge lots for measly dial-up speed internet? Cell carriers.

Ah well, it was a nice dream.