The Yam

Because Yam's are funny.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Hot Mexico

Now, I'm not an environmentalist by any means, but I like reading about where the world is going with its energy potential. According to computer models "Global warming may ramp up average temperatures by 20 degrees Fahrenheit in less than 50 years". That would make Edmonton a very decent place to live, and Mexico an unliveable wasteland. And apparently the world is beating the Americans to the punch when it comes to the new energy era (atomic, of course). I think we'll see alot of countries overtaking the Americans in alot of areas in the next twenty years.

And if you have the patience to read those articles, I'm impressed.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Apple Attack

I think Apple is poised to take a nice chunk of the PC market share, and is going to be the primary player in the media revolution that will happen over the next ten years. Alot of businesses are going to be defunct once on-demand everything catches on, and with the inclusion of the Mac Mini, I think they are again positioning themselves (in the same way they did with music and the iPod) to take over the on-demand movie/tv business.

Not only that but their server and laptop products are truly excellent hardware, built on an incredible OS. I've been a defensive x86 geek for many years, but you can't deny the facts. This company has stellar product.


This is an interesting read no matter what side of the argument fence you're on.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Here is Snow Patrol - Run. They make me wish I was driving 120 down a mountain highway with the sunroof open, and screaming out the lyrics.

It's warm again.

So apparently I have ten people reading this blog. TEN! 10! Who'da thunk it! I barely remember even telling anyone about it. I'm going to post a song by Snow Patrol later today. They are a cool and have a Coldplay-knockoff sound of some sort to them.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Worst Day Of The Year

Find your self feeling rather low? Everything is dim? Sad for no reason? Well mathematically, this is the most depressing day of the year. So take consolation in that and I think we'll all do just fine.

And we are also in the peak season for S.A.D. cases (seasonal affective disorder).


Strep Throat. I got it. It's not too big of a deal with the arsenal of antibiotics these days. But I wonder what would have happened to me before antibiotics. I might not have been around to experience that, as they saved my butt when I caught Pneumonia. It's an interesting thought.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Trapeze Swinger - by Iron and Wine (click here)

Please remember me, happily
by the rosebush laughing
with bruises on my chin, the time when
we counted every black car passing
your house beneath the hill, and up until
someone caught us in the kitchen
with maps, a mountain range, a piggy bank
a vision too removed to mention

Please remember me, fondly
I heard from someone you're still pretty
and then they went on to say that the pearly gates
had some eloquent graffiti
like 'we'll meet again' and 'fuck the man'
and 'tell my mother not to worry'
and angels with their gray handshakes
were always done in such a hurry

and please remember me, at halloween
making fools of all the neighbors
our faces painted white, by midnight
we'd forgotten one another
and when the morning came, i was ashamed
only now it seems so silly
that season left the world, and then returned
and now you're lit up by the city

So please remember me, mistakenly
in the window of the tallest tower
call, then pass us by, but much too high
to see the empty road at happy hour
leave and resonate, just like the gates
around the holy kingdom
with words like 'lost and found' and 'don't look down'
and 'someone save temptation'

and please remember me, as in the dream
we had as rug-burned babies
among the fallen trees, and fast asleep
aside the lions and the ladies
that called you what you like, and even might
give a gift for your behavior:
a fleeting chance see a trapeze
swing as high as any savior

but please remember me, my misery
and how it lost me all i wanted
those dogs that love the rain, and chasing trains
the colored birds above there running
in circles round the well, and where it spells
on the wall behind st. peter's
so bright with cinder gray and spray paint:
'who the hell can see forever?'

and please remember me, seldomly
in the car behind the carnival
my hand between your knees, you turn from me
and said the trapeze act was wonderful
but never meant to last, the clown that passed
saw me just come up with anger
when it filled, the circus dogs, the parking lot
had an element of danger

so please remember me, finally
and all my uphill clawing
my dear, but if i make the pearly gates
do my best to make a drawing
of god and lucifer, a boy and girl
an angel kissin on a sinner
a monkey and a man, a marching band
all around the frightened trapeze swingers

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I'm normally not a soundtrack junkie, and for good reason, as most soundtracks leave much to be desired. But alot of films have been putting together really excellent soundtracks lately. My current favorite is the In Good Company soundtrack, which runs an absolutely incredible song by Iron and Wine called The Trapeze Swinger during the credits. Hop on iTunes, Limewire, or your favorite alternative and grab it. It is truly art.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Deconstructing Church

Historically the church has been a large entity that has largely been used by human minds to control governments, industry and the populace. Let's face it, it's a reality. At some point God finally got through to the head of one of his stubborn humans (Luther) and he pointed out a few things that were extra-biblical, lacking, and non-biblical. This changed the face of the church forever.

In our post-modern (or post-post but try and find a bloody definition for that one) times we still do church our way, and follow established structures that essentially have been in place for many many centuries. Granted these structures look largely different, but the essence is still there. I can't verify either way that the existing power and denominational structures are in any way "good" or "right" nor "bad" or "wrong, but I can say that I think there needs to be a serious second reformation of all Christians in how they approach church. Now notice that I use Christians. It's not the churches (defined as an institution, for those of you shouting "but we ARE the church") that need to reform, they need to be replaced by the new.

And how do we define this new "church"? We could take all of our knowledge, all our understanding of human nature and our study of God through the bible, pack it into a think tank, and try and come up with a solution that works for our culture. But that is exactly what we've tried to do for years. It's time to find Christians who are willing to let God take over fully, and deconstruct our hearts and our minds from the way "church needs to be done". I know I'm sick of how dry and pointless church has become. So I can't (unless I get lazy, but that something God and I need to deal with) sit back and take it. [queue "We're Not Gonna Take It!"]

And so, since God in his mercy has given us this wonderful ministry, we never give up. We reject all shameful and underhanded methods. We do not try to trick anyone, and we do not distort the word of God. We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know that.


Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.


"So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that this pleasure is from the hand of God. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from him? God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him. But if a sinner becomes wealthy, God takes the wealth away and gives it to those who please him. Even this, however, is meaningless, like chasing the wind."

And really, you only get one chance at life, so how do you live it to the maximum? Does that mean going to a job every day five days a week and just doing "because that's what you do"? What is your definition of living life to the maximum? Having four kids, one house and an oldsmobile? Touring internationally with a rock band? Working with children on Pitcairn Island? Having a net worth of $46.6 billion?

And in the end '"Everything is meaningless," says the Teacher, "utterly meaningless!"'. Something to think about. ;)

Monday, January 17, 2005

Unbreakable & The Village

I had a M. Night Shyamalan weekend. We watched Unbreakable and The Village, both of which have their strengths and weaknesses, and we unfortunately figured out part of The Village before the plot twist. But it was still good. As for Unbreakable, I didn't see it coming, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole superhero theme.

Learning another language is always something that has interested me. Really when you think of it, knowing another language generally opens up access to an entire culture that you otherwise have no ability to interact with. And as I am likely going to a spanish speaking country for my tropical beach vacation (finally.) at the end of February, I figured: why not learn spanish?

Should be interesting.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Someone is cutting their nails at their desk

And it's not something that grosses me out (although i know people who would be rather repulsed) but isn't cutting your toenails something that should be done at home?


I bought six cookies from Tim's this morning. For $2, you can't really go wrong. That said, eating six cookies has to put me in a dietary imbalance. Oh well, maybe I won't eat all six.

Oh, and why do we live in this country? What were our great-great-grandparents thinking? They must have arrived in the summertime.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Dragon-lady rears her head again

There are a few classes of people in the world, Normals, Generous', Smarts, Blondes, and the Assholes (and a few others). One of the wonderful people I work with is a Grade-A Asshole. The dragon-lady is one of those people who lives their life completely self-absorbed, and unless you have something you can give her, you're not worth any more than a piece of chewing gum the sick rabies-dog took a poop on. Without knowing anything about her life, I'm sure she's been married, divorced, was a heavy smoker for at least five years before quitting and getting heavily involved with fringe medicine techniques, went bankrupt twice thanks to VLTs, likely practices yoga, may own a cat (although is more likely "so terribly allergic to those damn things"), has no immediate family, hates her extended family but tolerates them, and generally has no reason to be alive.

It makes me sad in a way that there are people that have to live that way. If there was some way of cracking through the cement shell they've built around themselves, I would employ it. But I truely think that beyond divine intervention these are the bitter, cranky, grocery-store tantrum throwing, old folks that think the world either should give them it all, or have a mass bridge-jumping ceremony.

And I think I'm being quite kind in my assessment.

Beer Apocalypse

The end is near for beer. (That rhymes.)

click to enlarge

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I hope it works out...

Working out. It's one of those things that I never aspired to, and basically haven't had to care about for most of my life. But now I'm trying out this new thing called aging and it comes with this great benefit called slower metabolism which is loads of fun. So, with a desire to have a decently toned body, and avoid the gut that all middle aged men seem to have, I am working out. I have a trainer, and am gradually increasing my cardio, and doing ten different weight exercises/machines. Aren't I great?!

See how long it lasts..... ;)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's - Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World. Makes me want to chill out and sit on a hot hawaiian beach. So go get Limewire or the 50 First Dates soundtrack, or something, cause it's a great chill out song for when you are stressed.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Berkshire Hathaway is a very interesting company that is run by the world's second richest man, Warren Buffet. If you want to invest in this company you will need something in the area of $86,300 . Yikes. Can someone give me a share?

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Back to business...

So as tsunami works its way back into our vocabulary for the first time in several years, and my sister leaves on a whirlwind tour of the provinces, I again sit at work. All the familiar tensions that kind of dissapeared over the week I wasn't here are back again, all the slight concerns that are nagging at me. And especially those stupid things that I have been procrastinating on. Geh. Not having fun here folks.

I will book off my next vacation (tropical island paradise) today.