Klinux Kgeeks Kant KmarKet
Linux needs a good marketing crew. Open-source marketing. Because let's face it: 90% of linux projects absolutely suck at marketing.
Someone (and not me, I'm not qualified, I just know what I like) needs to start an OSS style marketing group that develops marketing concepts, campaigns, value statements, and graphic design for the public faces of the major projects. As I get more involved in Linux at my job I'm realizing how entrenched these leet guys have become. Rename KDE! Stop putting stupid K's in front of everything. Start building a brand. Ubuntu is fantastic, but what a bad choice of name. Despite the bad name they've done a decent job at pushing it. But Kubuntu? Come on. Maybe I'm ranting about KDE too much.
It gets right down to the command line too. So much of what's in linux is too 'insider-knowledge' for mainstream to be a viable outcome.
As far as doing it right, Mozilla's front for the Firefox/Thunderbird combo is top-notch. Simple, explained, catchy.