I agree with most of this. But like everything, you should question authority, written or otherwise:
Creative music is music of the future reaching back into the present.
Music comes from different worlds:
Automatic music reinforces existing patterns;
Creative music makes changes in the world.
Music is a language of being.
Silence is the field of creative musical intelligence which dwells in the space between the notes, and holds them in place.
My assumption is that our poets tell us the truth, our painters paint what they see is true, our singers tell it to us "like it is". Yet our relationship with the arts is mediated by an insidious commerce. What would be the effect on our culture if we knew that Shakespeare lied to us for money? Lennon? Hendrix? Springsteen? Cobain?
Sometimes God Hides, that we may:
See clearly how little is possible without help;
Learn how much is possible from ourself;
Learn humility;
Practise patience;
Practise perseverance;
Learn to co-operate with God.
By practising to work from our own initiative we become better able to co-operate with God;
Realise the necessity of enacting God;
That is, a creature may develop spiritual muscles.