The Yam

Because Yam's are funny.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Biking in the city.

For those of you who have been to the Netherlands, they have a fantastic system of bike pathways. It is truly brilliant. Every major route has off to the side double wide sidewalks for biking.

Switch to Canada (and the US). *Very* high number of bicycle and car accidents every year. Very little support from municipal gov'ts to make ubiquitous bike paths a reality. Laws that forbid bicycles from riding on pedestrian sidewalks.

Now disregarding the fact that riding a bike in -20 Celcius is generally very cold, it seems to me that despite the great environmental impact that riding a bike (instead of driving) can have, at the end of the day it's an activity that Canadians won't be taking up in droves any time soon. It's too bad. It would also help out healthcare system with a population that is increasing it's exercise regimens.


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